About the TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test

For more than 30 years, the TOEIC Listening and Reading test has set the standard for assessing English language skills used in the workplace. Today it is the leading assessment of English language reading and listening skills for the global workplace.

  • Workforce Readiness: Prepare students to compete in the competitive global workforce.
  • Placement: Determine who has the skills to succeed in school and in business.
  • Program Effectiveness: Measure a student’s progress and proficiency in English.
  • Program Development: Evaluate the effectiveness of your English-language programs.
  • Increase Enrollment: Attract more students who can develop skills to succeed in the workplace.

When the TOEIC Listening and Reading test is taken together with the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests, TOEIC® test scores provide an accurate measurement of proficiency in all four English language skills.


English is the language of global opportunity

With the TOEIC test, you can help your students communicate successfully across borders and cultures. You can also:

  • Build your reputation as a trusted resource for skilled, qualified job applicants
  • Attract more high-achieving students who will be recruited by top companies

Over 10,000 organizations in 120 countries use the TOEIC test. Over six million tests were administered in 2010. Make sure your students have the skills they need to succeed with the TOEIC Listening and Reading test.



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